Sunday, October 23, 2011

NCWITB: The Kardashian's Are America (An Open Letter to President Obama)

Dear President Obama,

First and foremost I must say, we almost always agree. When I voted for you for president in 2008, I was idealistic about your platform and it's promises for America. Though many are mad at your lack of follow-through, I have remained a staunch supporter through all of your troubled times. Recently, however, your comments on a major political topic have got me second guessing where you stand on the important issues. Mr. Obama, there is NOTHING wrong with the Kardashian's.

The Kardashian's actually represent many of the things we both believe in. They have strong family values, placing importance on spending time with your family and looking out for them in times of need. As entrepreneurs, they have started companies from the bottom up and watched as their enterprises grew and grew- a small business owner success story (aka the American Dream.) Khloe has starred in a PETA ad attacking the use of real fur for fashion, which many Democrats would argue is a positive step for the campaign for animal rights. In a political climate such as ours, we need to stay optimistic about those who are willing to fight the good fight. The Kardashian's, I believe Sir, are doing just that.

While I understand that their superficial attitudes may be a somewhat negative influence on young girls, it is this very same lust for consumerism that drives the economy forward. In a way, the Kardashian's are helping lower the debt ceiling and their love of fashion, diamonds, and lavish vacations are really encouraging young people to do their part to stimulate the economy. While some of the more disenchanted youth today march to occupy Wall Street, Kardashian fans know that the real way to make an impact on the government is through the paying of sales and luxury taxes.

Democrats like us are open minded individuals, and we've built an entire political party based on equal rights and the fair treatment of everyone, no matter who they are or what they believe. The Kardashian's are admittedly controversial, but overall I would argue that they are a good representation of a tight-knit, personal business owning, tax paying American family. Mr. President, we have to support them, fight for them, and allow for them to succeed.

May God bless the Kardashian's, and may God bless the United States of America.

Lovingly Yours,
Ashley Marie

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

NCWITB: Joshua McKinley Will Change the World (Or At Least Your Closet)

I have been a huge Project Runway fan since the very first season. It's a show that has a special place in my heart because it beings my friends together every week and gives us something we can all talk about together. Every season provides us with an amazing group of talent to choose from, and every year there are contestants that push the envelope... both with their designs, and with their attitudes. For season 9, the clear front runner when it comes to personality is 25 year old fashion week finalist Joshua McKinley. Nobody cares what I think, but... I honestly believe Josh will not only shake up with world of high fashion, but his looks will be in our closets in  no time. Here's my proof:

My favorite Project Runway designer of all time was Season 4 winner Christian Siriano. Deemed the fashion wunderkind from the beginning, Siriano could whip out an amazing design almost as fast as he could spit out a sassy comeback. Having brought "fierce" and "die over it" back into our vocab, viewers rooted for Christian whether they loved him or hated him. Much like Joshua McKinley, his designs were often overworked, over-designed, and definitely quite often over the top... however... the judges took a chance on him and he ended up creating a runway show to die for (sorry, to die over) as well as a successful commercial career. 

With this support behind him I know that McKinley will do the same thing. He's got the same cutting attitude as Christian, and he has the thing that I feel is most important when it comes to fashion: he as a person is just as memorable as his clothes. Middle Class Fashionistas (MCF's) shell out the big bucks for big designers we've heard of, simple as that. My closet is filled with pieces I've starved to afford by designers such as Michael Kors, Diane Von Furstenburg, Betsey Johnson, and Calvin Klein. What do these people have in common besides their impeccable creations? They are all icons. Christian Siriano is trailblazing his way right on to that icon list, and I have no doubt that prancing right behind him will be Project Runway Season 9 finalist Joshua McKinley.

Those of us who donate our miniscule paychecks to fashion are having our moment in the sun. Thanks to Target's HUGE success with their new philosophy of bringing high end fashion to the mainstream (hello, Missoni merger!) I know that the time has come in which the voice of MCF's will be heard louder than ever. Credit has to be given to Siriano for creating looks that we can actually achieve. Having collaborated with Payless, Victorias Secret,, Starbucks, and even O-Cel-O sponges... Siriano is doing his part to put high fashion into every day diva's hands.

If God is on our side, "Joshua McKinley for Target" will have a nice ring to it.. and because of his ability to be over the top while also being wearable, I think Josh will follow in Christian's footsteps and find his way into our studio apartment's already over stuffed closets. He doesn't necessarily need to be #1 to achieve these things, but with a Project Runway win under his belt there is no doubt that we'll be washing our dishes with McKinley designed sponges by this time next year.

Follow Josh on Twitter @JMcKinleyNYC
Follow Christian on Twitter @csiriano

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NCWITB: Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchinson May Be For Real (MAY be...)

If you follow the celebrity world at all, you have probably heard about the newest May-December romance scandal between 16 year old aspiring actress/singer Courtney Stodden and her husband, 51 year old actor Doug Hutchinson. Courtney hasn't done much up until this point but a smattering of YouTube videos that are tragic in a Heidi Montag sort of way, and Doug is most famous for his role in the Green Mile in which he plays the mean prison guard who doesn't put the sponge on the guys head before he electrocutes him.

Nobody cares what I think, but... there are a lot of factors at play here that are being lumped together to make one issue. There is the 35 year age difference, the fact that she seems to be overtly sexual for an underage girl, and the whole concept of marriage and that they are claiming to be in love. To me, none of these things are related to the other and you have have both positive or negative opinions on all 3 aspects separately.

First, their 35 year old age difference. This doesn't bother me at all, and to me it isn't a sign of any wrong doing here. People fall in love. They both have said they believe God brought them together, and I honestly believe they think He did. I am all for Age Gap Relationships (AGR's) because I think that they actually have a lot of aspects to them that make things easier, and I don't doubt for a second that these 2 really did want to get married. Plus, her parents had to sign a consent form and unless they are really terrible people, they obviously believed in this relationship too. The general public needs to get over the fact that people with age differences have sex, date, and fall in love. Inter-generational relationships are no different than homosexual or interracial relationships... if you don't like it: don't be in one.

Next, Courtney. Yes, she's a train wreck. She seems like she's on tranquilizers in most of her interviews and she is way too overtly sexual... but she's 16. If someone interviewed me at 16 I bet I probably seemed like a disaster, too. She's young and doesn't know much... but in a way that actually makes her love of Doug and her passion for her future sort of inspiring. Love and career are 2 huge things that people twice her age barely have figured out. I am worried by the people who are quick to write her off... with the state of Hollywood today, she's no worse or better than any of the other garbage out there and she deserves the opportunity to suck as much as the rest of them. Is she crazy? Probably. But if she is, she had these issues way before marrying Doug.

Lastly, their love. I think that it's probably real. It's true that Courtney has a lot of desperation in essence- she clearly wants to be famous any way that she can... but marry a 51 year old guy? If she thinks it's as disgusting as some of the couples critics do, there's no way she would have agreed to marry him. I think she really wants to be famous, but she doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would live 24 hrs a day with a man she thought was gross to do it... there's no way she's that good of a liar! Doug and Courtney would have gotten just as much attention if they just casually dated, so why the need to make it official if not for love? Also... she was a virgin before they got married, which takes some sort of scruples (especially when you look like her!) and she seems to be very happy with her life now. If your goal is to be a major celebrity, the first person you call isn't usually the creepy supporting actor in a decade old Tom Hanks movie... she must know it's going to take a little more effort than that to become a star. As for him loving her- why not? She's sexy, funny, ambitious, quirky, and a clean slate. Women Doug's age come with a lot of baggage usually... if he wanted a fresh, fun relationship that maybe someday included kids... or even just flexibility.... there's no question why he'd look to Courtney. AGR's are complicated but they can also be pretty basic: 2 people that can't find what they're searching for in the places they typically look.

I don't think these 3 issues can be piled together when making an educated decision on how you feel about them being together. People in relationships get to be themselves and they get to be their age... it doesn't effect their love. Super smart couples who are the same age can fail just as easily as Doug and Courtney, and do every day. As far as this case, and any other unconventional couple is concerned, I say judge the pieces as pieces and remember to have some respect. (This does not mean you can't roll your eyes every once in a while...)