Sunday, October 23, 2011

NCWITB: The Kardashian's Are America (An Open Letter to President Obama)

Dear President Obama,

First and foremost I must say, we almost always agree. When I voted for you for president in 2008, I was idealistic about your platform and it's promises for America. Though many are mad at your lack of follow-through, I have remained a staunch supporter through all of your troubled times. Recently, however, your comments on a major political topic have got me second guessing where you stand on the important issues. Mr. Obama, there is NOTHING wrong with the Kardashian's.

The Kardashian's actually represent many of the things we both believe in. They have strong family values, placing importance on spending time with your family and looking out for them in times of need. As entrepreneurs, they have started companies from the bottom up and watched as their enterprises grew and grew- a small business owner success story (aka the American Dream.) Khloe has starred in a PETA ad attacking the use of real fur for fashion, which many Democrats would argue is a positive step for the campaign for animal rights. In a political climate such as ours, we need to stay optimistic about those who are willing to fight the good fight. The Kardashian's, I believe Sir, are doing just that.

While I understand that their superficial attitudes may be a somewhat negative influence on young girls, it is this very same lust for consumerism that drives the economy forward. In a way, the Kardashian's are helping lower the debt ceiling and their love of fashion, diamonds, and lavish vacations are really encouraging young people to do their part to stimulate the economy. While some of the more disenchanted youth today march to occupy Wall Street, Kardashian fans know that the real way to make an impact on the government is through the paying of sales and luxury taxes.

Democrats like us are open minded individuals, and we've built an entire political party based on equal rights and the fair treatment of everyone, no matter who they are or what they believe. The Kardashian's are admittedly controversial, but overall I would argue that they are a good representation of a tight-knit, personal business owning, tax paying American family. Mr. President, we have to support them, fight for them, and allow for them to succeed.

May God bless the Kardashian's, and may God bless the United States of America.

Lovingly Yours,
Ashley Marie

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