Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NCWITB: We need a Sex and the City 3. Please.

Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am a big supporter, avid fan of, and major defender of all that is Sex and the City. I'm a true hardcore addict most days, remote in one hand, Diet Coke in the other. I am a Carrie to the utmost extreme, for all the best and worst reasons. I have my opinions, I have my wishes, and even though nobody cares what I think... I believe we desperately need a Sex and the City 3.

Hear me out.

A lot of rumors flew around that the franchise was over after Sex and the City 2 did so poorly in the box office. I admit I didn't love the movie, but I know what was wrong with it and I know how it could have been fixed. There wasn't enough New York, there wasn't enough sex... yada yada. The first movie I felt was fantastic, and I practically have it memorized. It was perfect in a lot of ways that the 2nd movie wasn't. This is my first argument for a 3rd installment: everything, and everyone, needs to end on a successful note.

My second argument is mostly a matter of "why stop now?" The actors have expressed that they would be interested in doing another movie, and it's not like their careers are booming otherwise. All 4 women have a great list of achievements behind them, but lets be honest... SJP is Carrie Bradshaw, forever. Fashion evolves every day, and the climate of New York is constantly changing... we need to see how our ladies are handling all the changes!

While a lot of this may sound silly to a random outsider, true devoted fans of the show know that the amazing television episodes cannot go down in history with the ending that Sex and the City 2 left us with. We're willing to forgive and forget... but we need a bone thrown to us. To cut straight to the chase? They owe us one more.

Michael Patrick King is... well... for lack of a better word, a KING when it comes to writing edgy, forward, funny, emotionally moving material. Later that day, I got to thinking... if he has it in him (and you know he does) audiences everywhere will listen.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

NCWITB: Jason Segel is What's RIGHT About Our Generation

I just returned home from seeing The Muppet's and I have to say, I loved every minute of it. I cried in the beginning, I laughed all the way through, and that catchy tune---- "Life's A Happy Song"--- was hummed all the way through the parking lot (can we believe it was written by the guy from Flight of the Conchord's? Added bonus!)

The Muppet's, brought to us by resident funny man Jason Segel, was a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Before seeing the film, I heard mixed reviews from my friends...some loved it, but some felt as if it should have been more. Newer. A more "forward" story than the recycled old memories of Muppet's past. To these people I say: nobody cares what I think, but... shut the fuck up! Jason Segel's Muppet vision is what is RIGHT about our generation. It wasn't intended to be something new... I don't even think it was supposed to be for kids... he meant for it to be for us.

And when did our collective us become so critical? We're the kids in America! We drank Surge after ice skating practice while wearing scrunchies for God-sakes. We were and are THE generation for not being self conscious about looking completely ridiculous. The neon. The overalls. The Corey's! Think about some of your favorite movies... The Goonies... Back to the Future... these are not to be judged based on the standards of today, and I would argue they aren't meant to be judged by any standards at all. Nobody in their right mind would judge a movie like Clueless by the same guidelines of say... Schindler's List, and those who would live in a world like this have been working 9-to-5 for way too long (and NOT the awesome Dolly Parton version.)

I get it. The bills are piling up. Trust me, if anyone knows what it means to be cynical about the state of their life it's me... but Jason Segel knew exactly what would cheer us up: grabbing a bag of popcorn, turning off our iPhone's, and being transported... not forward, but backward... to a time when everything was easier, and cheaper, and a lot less stressful. (A time that included breakout musical numbers and the greatest thing of all: unapologetic cheesiness.)

31 year old Segel has given us a gift here. While it's true he didn't really give us something NEW, he did something just as important... he gave us something back. Do NOT get me wrong: as we sit in our cubicle's, angrily updating our Facebook status about the terrible service we got at Starbucks, we are completely allowed have whatever awful adult feelings we feel like having... we've earned it! 25-35 years of being pushed around has given us the right. But I urge you, no.. I BEG you... to let yourself get whisked away by The Muppets. The movie may not be something you haven't seen before, but chances are, it's something you haven't had the money or energy to experience in a long, long time.

Jason and I seem to agree; from time to time, if you allow yourself, going backward can be totally bitchin'.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

NCWITB: My Sympathies To Michelle Duggar

My deepest sympathy goes out to Michelle Dugger. Previously, NCWITB announced her 20th pregnancy, but it is being reported that Michelle has miscarried. They found out the baby was a girl, and have set up a memorial service for Jubilee Shalom Duggar tomorrow, 12/14. I wish her family all the best.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar Expecting Child Number 20 (A NCWITB Congratulations!)

Love them or hate them, chances are you were talking about the Duggar's today. After an announcement on the Today Show, the world has learned that Michelle and Jim Bob are expecting child number 20. It looks like they are going to (once again) change the title of their reality show 19 Kids and Counting.

A lot of people find their child hoarding controversial, but unlike other reality show celebrities they are clearly not in it for any sort of fame or money. They are good, honest, God fearing people and they know we're as fascinated with them and they probably are of us.

As I've said a million times, nobody cares what I think... however, I have to announce it: I love the Duggar's! I think Michelle is totally sweet and awesome and I am completely interested in their crazy lives. The whole natural family planning thing sort of freaks me out, but I'm 25 and have no money... these people are pro's! I say go for it Duggar's! Good or bad, we'll be watching.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NCWITB: Justin Bieber is NOT your Baby Daddy

First things first, I don't have any interest in Justin Bieber. I'm coming up on 25, and I prefer older men- sometimes MUCH older. I do not suffer from Bieber fever, and if I did, I'd head straight to my girl at the local pharmacy who is used to hooking me up for things of that nature. Justin is cute, it's undeniable... and the more he grows and looks less like Ellen, the hotter he gets... but the point I'm trying to make is, my defense of him has nothing to do with him at all. Nobody cares what I think, but... there is just no way in friggin hell Justin Bieber knocked up some girl in a bathroom.

In a world where every media outlet is jumping at the chance to rip apart celebs like Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian, no one ever stands up for them when there is a clear case of extortion going on. Does Justin Bieber have sex? Probably!!! But would a mega star who has millions of girls begging to get with him stoop to losing his virginity is a bathroom of the Staples Center while not using any protection? Come on people, this isn't an episode of Teen Mom.

The Baby Momma in question is Mariah Yeater, a now 20 (then 19) year old girl from California who apparently has signed an affidavit under oath claiming that Justin propositioned her for sex. That part of it may or may not be true people- lets get that straight. I don't think anyone in their right mind is denying that it's a possibility they had sex. Was it the way she described? Is the baby his? There. Is. No. Way.

Unless this girl is a complete idiot (which is all together possible, actually) she must realize that making these claims makes herself guilty of statutory rape. Nobody wants to be accused of that, even if the raped kid in question is The Biebs. It's obvious that the baby isn't actually his because if it was, she'd be guilty and probably have to serve jail time. By claiming that the baby is a Bieber and it actually isn't, this Mariah girl will make tons of money off the publicity surrounding the scandal, but will ultimately be found innocent of anything more scandalous than simply lying to the media. That is her motivation, and that is why this story will go down in history as another ridiculous false paternity claim against a major celebrity.

Justin's girlfriend, the adorable super celeb Selena Gomez, is just as sceptical of this fame-whore's attempt at collecting dough and was seen at a charity event recently looking confident, radiant, and unaffected. Their relationship is probably very real, regardless of the fact that they're young and famous, so I say we take a cue from Selena on this one and roll our eyes at the entire absurdity.

Regardless of whether you love or hate the tiny little pop sensation, you have to be rational and not buy in to the possibility that Justin Bieber would ever be reckless enough to risk his fortune and squeaky clean image for a quicky in some dirty bathroom at a concert. COME ON. I've done a lot of crazy things in a lot of crazy places, but this isn't a Van Halen reunion tour we're talking about here... it's the Biebs! Don't give these false claims any more attention because they don't deserve your energy. Save all your enthusiasm up for  the next time you go see Bieber live... because if his concerts are anything like Mariah Yeater claims, you're going to want to be focused and ready to "feel everything."

Kris Humphries & Kim Kardashian: Divorced! (A NCWITB Regret-to-Inform-You)

Everyone knows the news by now, Kim and Kris have decided to call it quits. Anyone who watched the wedding special on E! could see that there was something not right between them. I have to sympathize with my girl because I love love as well, and I completely understand her defense of having been swept up in the moment. The saddest thing to come out of this for Kim fans from Minneapolis is that she probably wont be popping up around town anymore. If you got your Kim sighting in, consider yourself lucky because the newly single Kim is likely to stay near her family in California through the holiday season.

Nobody cares what I think, but.... life is hard, love is harder, and some decisions are painful to make no matter who you are. Lay off Kim during this hard time. Was it a story of a media circus gone out of control? Yes. But was her love for Kris real at the time? No doubt about it.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

NCWITB: The Kardashian's Are America (An Open Letter to President Obama)

Dear President Obama,

First and foremost I must say, we almost always agree. When I voted for you for president in 2008, I was idealistic about your platform and it's promises for America. Though many are mad at your lack of follow-through, I have remained a staunch supporter through all of your troubled times. Recently, however, your comments on a major political topic have got me second guessing where you stand on the important issues. Mr. Obama, there is NOTHING wrong with the Kardashian's.

The Kardashian's actually represent many of the things we both believe in. They have strong family values, placing importance on spending time with your family and looking out for them in times of need. As entrepreneurs, they have started companies from the bottom up and watched as their enterprises grew and grew- a small business owner success story (aka the American Dream.) Khloe has starred in a PETA ad attacking the use of real fur for fashion, which many Democrats would argue is a positive step for the campaign for animal rights. In a political climate such as ours, we need to stay optimistic about those who are willing to fight the good fight. The Kardashian's, I believe Sir, are doing just that.

While I understand that their superficial attitudes may be a somewhat negative influence on young girls, it is this very same lust for consumerism that drives the economy forward. In a way, the Kardashian's are helping lower the debt ceiling and their love of fashion, diamonds, and lavish vacations are really encouraging young people to do their part to stimulate the economy. While some of the more disenchanted youth today march to occupy Wall Street, Kardashian fans know that the real way to make an impact on the government is through the paying of sales and luxury taxes.

Democrats like us are open minded individuals, and we've built an entire political party based on equal rights and the fair treatment of everyone, no matter who they are or what they believe. The Kardashian's are admittedly controversial, but overall I would argue that they are a good representation of a tight-knit, personal business owning, tax paying American family. Mr. President, we have to support them, fight for them, and allow for them to succeed.

May God bless the Kardashian's, and may God bless the United States of America.

Lovingly Yours,
Ashley Marie